

Just to Review
By Forget Magazine
We will immediately consider the following SUBMISSIONS:
1) Photographs or writing about Newfoundland,
specifically structures built in, or coastlines surrounding.
2) Half or full bottles of whiskey of any
3) Reviews of any type* especially
those involving moments, specifically absurd in nature, surrounding;
a) theatre and film b) politics c) sporting
events d) medical conventions e) waiting in line
f) church or g) on-line shopping.
*Examples of reviews that will likely be ACCEPTED
include those that; i) describe politics through a detailed
analysis of the real or imagined contents of Jean Charest's, Gary
Doer's, or any other past or present public official's trash ii)
trace the history of the colour orange in the Vancouver Canucks
hockey jerseys iii) unravel the nature of sex in theater
by describing the steeple on top of the East Vancouver Cultural
Center iv) explore the influence of Peter Mansbridge's
announcer voice on Atom Egoan's filmmaking. Examples of Reviews
that will likely be REJECTED include those that; i) describe
the plot of a movie. play, or book ii) mention the ingredients
of a cooked or uncooked hotel meal iii) list the horsepower,
tire size, interior cloth colour of an automobile, RV, or any
other type of mechanized transportation that is not public, operated
by people in bare feet, or stolen.
4) Photographs of the United States of America,
specifically those of people, highways, and monuments or people
on highways near monuments in Washington, Oregon, Tennessee, Arizona,
New York or Ohio.
5) Recipes, specifically those that involve;
a) stealing internet, cable, or radio signals b)
opening locks c) genetic modification d) anarchy
e) tequila f) anarchy and tequila g) hallucinations
not involving tequila h) lucid dreaming.
6) Poetry, fiction, and non-fiction about Nunavut.
Special consideration will be given to those writers currently
living in Nunavut.
7) Applications for short and long-term contracts
as playing members on the Forget Magazine basketball team.
Preference will be given to power forwards with; a) functional
baby hooks b) shoe sizes over 12 c) a large collection
of KRS 1 and/or Cypress Hill albums d) particularly gruesome
injury histories e) sharp elbows.
Forget Magazine
keeps its original submission guidelines here.
#207 1851 Haro Street, Vancouver British Columbia, Canada, V6G
(604) 669-3192
ISSN: 1710 193X
Copyright © forgetmagazine, 2004,
all rights reserved.