

Day 26
The Future
It's a long time from the mattress you tugged down to the floor
the night you won the World Series. But not long if you close
your eyes and remember, which is hard in the future.
It is hard because you are on television and this is the future
and this is celebrity boxing. Except it is the future and celebrity
boxing has become normal, accepted programming on sports and network
television. There is good celebrity boxing and there is bad celebrity
boxing now and Kelly knows he is on the bad side of the new reality.
Kelly shudders off camera and wishes he'd gone for the robe and
shorts instead of the tights and ball cap he's planning on throwing
into the crowd. All of the sudden he realizes he should keep the
ball cap because there is not much more than that really. This
is the kind of celebrity boxing that bears no mention on television
unless something truly, awfully, embarrassingly dramatic happens
beating each other up does not pass for news anymore. That's what
he is counting on anyway
Kelly hopes for a boring fight
with little fanfare, a check that doesn't bounce, and the possibility
of water skiing in the near future. But it is the future after all and
not the past and you can't go back:
back to when you pulled the mattress onto the floor and the girl
with it. And you undressed and redressed her so many times you
lost count and you never did it the same way twice. Player? Rake?
Bullshit. You loved every one of them. Explained the game to them
on the floor with the mattress in a hotel room. The best hotel
room. Gave them the best night of their life, and you too
You just got to keep doing it.
You could find the hotel again and maybe that girl, maybe tug
that mattress onto the floor again, but you wouldn't rent the
XXX movies anymore. Those days are over: $14.95 a throw; they're
yeah, the mattress on the bed the night of the World Series and
you are awake long after she is asleep tracing lines across her
hips which are not perfect but beautiful, and her breasts that
have ugly scars on the bottom but you look straight at them and
by doing so, make them attractive
you're not perfect either
and you know it
you rub the inside of your leg where you
took a cleat five hours ago
you are still alive, you whisper
in her ear and she moans
my tongue on your back proves it
Kelly waits for his name to be announced, thinks maybe he has
made a mistake entering to Take Me Out To the Ballgame, bows his
head and tries to screw up the courage to look hardened, and never
* * * * *
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